Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well after about 9 weeks overseas we're comming home, mainly having to do with me being pretty much constantly sick for 5 weeks, a test at a Hospital in Kunming then not being able to hold down much food in Tibet (not holding down water was the deciding factor yesterday morning). So after what turned into about a 12 hour trip from Lhasa, we're back in smelly smoggy Chengdu and should be home soon - from where we are planning a road trip either north or south (or maybe west) of Sydney - even east to New Zealand might not be out of the question (jetstar are you reading this???? time for another sale???).

Our time in Tibet was well worth it even though we didn't leave Lhasa and I was sick the whole time. the Potala Place is quite amazing - so is the stupid ticketing system where you line up at 6am so you can buy a ticket at noon for entry the next day... so we didn't get to go inside. The debating monks at the Sera(?) monastery was definately a highlight and we only caught the last 10min or so - I'd love to post some pictures but once again... no USB.

See you soon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh! Poor things! I wish you a safe trip home and a speedy recovery.