After a 5 hour bus ride (with a stop at some toilets that can only be described as a "cultural experience") we have arrived in Dali - actually we've been here for a few days now without really doing a whole lot - I've eaten something abit wrong somewhere along the way (probably Lisa's cafe in Yangshuo if I was to narrow it down... don't ever eat there - even the Heineken Beer was off (to the point that the top had left rust around the rim of the bottle).
Dali its self is a bit of a contradiction, it's still got alittle of the "old town feel" but at the same time you have to venture out of the "old town" to find it. The old town has been mostly turned into shops and restaurants, and some really crap ones at that - especially the Tang Dynasty music cafe - hopefully the music is better than the food and service it's almost like everyone wants to come here but the people who are here, or at least work here, don't want to be here (or smoke too much local herb).
Our next stop is Chengdu where we'll see the Pandas and then fly to Tibet. But tomorrow we go to the markets in a town north of here and maybe a trip around the lake - although it's 10pm and we haven't booked it yet... might do that now.
Contradictions are everywhere

These nice minority group women seem to think I'll change my mind about buying their pot and ask every 5 minutes - must have had too much product...

one of the three Pagodas thats Dali is famous for

Don't know what it says but interesting anyway

Battered street sign near our hostel

A nice cloud shot

I think it's a huge bunch of carrots?